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» »Unlabelled » Bakewell Tart: England's Cherished Cherry and Almond Treat

 Bakewell Tart: England's Cherished Cherry and Almond Treat

Bakewell Tart, one of the country's most cherished English desserts, is the harmonization of sweet and sour cherry and almond flavors in a pastry crust. This tart takes after the doughy original of Bakewell, Derbyshire, and remains one of the most popular baked goods in any English kitchen. Try out this ancient dessert yourself with this step-by-step guide.


For the pastry crust:

- 2 cups (250g) all-purpose flour

- 1 tsp salt

- 1/2 cup (115g) unsalted butter, chilled and cubed

- 1/4 cup (60ml) ice-cold water

For the frangipane filling:

- 1 cup (120g) ground almonds

- 1/2 cup (100g) granulated sugar

- 1/4 cup (60g) unsalted butter, softened

- 2 large eggs

- 1 tsp almond extract

For the cherry topping:

- 1 cup (120g) cherry jam

- 1 cup (120g) fresh or glacé cherries


9-inch (23cm) tart pan with removable bottom

- Pastry blender or food processor

- Mixing bowl

- Whisk

- Rubber spatula

- Baking sheet


Step-by-Step Instructions:

Pastry Crust:

1. Preheat oven to 375°F (190°C).

2. Flour and salt are mixed together in a bowl.

3. Cubed butter was added to a mixture and it was mixed until crumbly.

4. Ice-cold water was added gradually until dough is formed.

5. Wrapping and refrigeration of the mixture for 30 minutes is done.

Roll out pastry:

1. Roll chilled pastry to 1/8-inch thickness.

2. Place in a tart pan and trim crust edges.

Frangipane Filling:

1. Mix sugar and softened butter with ground almonds together.

2. Beat in eggs and almond extract

3. Spread the filling out over the pastry crust


1. Bake for 25-30 minutes or golden brown

_Cherry Topping:_

1. Spread cherry jam over the tart after baking

2. Arrange fresh or glacé cherries on top

_Glaze (optional):_

1. Mix apricot jam and water. Use equal parts of 1 tablespoon (15g) each.

2. Brush the glaze over the tart

_Tips and Variations:_ Just use the good quality cherry jam to get the richest flavor.

Substitute the almonds with hazelnuts or pecans.

Add a layer of chocolate ganache.

_History and Fun Facts:_

 The Bakewell Tart was first made in the 19th century.

It takes its name after the town of Bakewell.

The Bakewell Tart is usually served with tea.


 It is now easier than ever to prepare an authentic English Bakewell Tart. Your family and friends will all be able to appreciate this lovely cherry and almond treat.

_Recipe Variations:_

Mini Bakewell Tarts: Use small tart pans.

Gluten-Free Bakewell Tart: Use gluten-free flour.

Vegan Bakewell Tart: Substitute flaxseed eggs.

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1. Share variations of the Bakewell Tart

2. Write other articles about English desserts

3. Compile a list of 'must-haves' in English baking

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